My Portfolio

A showcase of my projects

I am Samuel Diaz

Computer Science Student and Programming Enthusiast

Peripheral loan
Web App

Description: School project where we developed a web application that facilitates the loan process of peripheral devices and inventory control for the IBM partner-trainer.
Programming languages: Javascript and Typescript.
Tecnologies: Angular, ExpressJs, IBM Db2, Docker and Kubernetes.
My contribution: I worked in the back-end creating endpoints and deploying the app to Kubernetes.

Traffic Simulation
Multi-agent Modeling

Description: School project consisting of two parts; the first is a simulation using multi-agent systems to model a vehicular intersection with cars and traffic lights. The second part consists of showing the simulation results in a 3D environment with the ability to change variables like camera perspective and lighting.
Programming languages: Javascript and Python.
Tecnologies: ThreeJs and Agentpy.
My contribution: I worked in the modeling of the multiagent system using Python and the Agentpy library.

Hiring Tracker
Web App

Description: School project where we developed a web application designed to assist talent acquisition staff in the recruitment process at every step. This project was a collaboration with Amdocs as the partner-trainer.
Programming languages: Javascript.
Tecnologies: ExpressJs, SQL, HTML and CSS.
My contribution: I worked in the design and implemetation of some views like the user management page.

Food Bank
IOS Mobile App

Description: School project where we developed a mobile application for the Food Bank (socio-trainer) to facilitate the organization's interaction with patrons and donors through incentives, donations and messages.
Programming languages: Swift.
Tecnologies: XCode and Firebase.
My contribution: I worked in the front-end designing various views and implementing some functionality.

Driving Behavior
Machine Learning

Description: Create multiple classification models to predict driving behavior (slow, normal and aggresive) accurately from a large dataset.
Programming languages: Python.
Tecnologies: Jupyter Notebook.
My contribution: Initial data exploration analysis and creation of some versions of the models like random forest using only two classes.

Water Stage and Discharge
Deep Learning

Description: Create multiple forecast models using numeric values and images to predict the water stage and discharge levels over the span of many years.
Programming languages: Python.
Tecnologies: Keras and TensorFlow.
My contribution: Dataset and image analysis as well as implementation of some versions of the CNN and MLP Regressor models.

Breakout Videogame

Description: End result of a Udemy course about game development for beginners in Unity.
Programming languages: C#.
Tecnologies: Unity.
What I learned: Basic videogame and Unity concepts like collision detection, read user input, implementation of UI elements, sound effects, background music, animations and scene loading.

Edge Contour Filter

Description: Creation of an application that makes use of the convolution function to apply different filters, highlighting the edge contour of an image captured by a video camera.
Programming languages: Python.
Tecnologies: OpenCV and Git.
What I learned: In this workshop I understood how some OpenCV library algorithms work. This course was also an introduction to version control using git.